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Download InformationImpressence Apple Cider Keg Kit.
Do you want to make Apple Cider in a Keg?
Make as a soft drink or hard cider, the choice is yours.
1 x FermStop (Inhibits yeast activity).
This Keg Kit makes 9.5 litres.
Purchase two packs to fill a 19 litre keg.
Recipe attached.
If you like a sugar free drink you can replace the sugar in the recipe with the following.
2 x Impressence Sugar Free Sweetener Blend #1 for a 9.5 litre keg.
4 x Impressence Sugar Free Sweetener Blend #1 for a 19 litre keg.
This blend of sweetener has been formulated to provide the perfect sweetness and mouthfeel without using sugar.
What is the difference between Sweetener Blend 1 and Sweetener Blend 2.
Both artificial sweetener packs have no sugar whatsoever and are made from a combination of Ace-K and also a second product called Sucralose (Spenda).
Neither product on their own present a good replacement to sugar. Ace-K has a short sharp sweetness that disappears fast and leave no lingering sweetness in your mouth.
Ace-K also has the issue that if you add large quantities it can taste bitter. Sucralose on the other hand lingers for quite a long time.
Sweetener blend one has slightly higher Ace-K whole Sweetener has slightly higher Sucralose.
For 95% of drinks it is recommend Sweetener Blend 1 as this matches really well with Cider, Ginger, Beer, Fruit drinks, Setzer's etc.
For extremely heavily flavoured drinks such as ones that contain Cola it is recommend Sweetener Blend 2.
Some products like Cola have so much flavour that they require a sweetener that can stand up to this high flavour product.